Microvision 210 Nurse Call System

Microvision 210 receiver

Mini Wireless Nurse Call System

The annunciator panel comes in a 9" X 7" X 1.5" desk or wall mount case. The unit has a LCD 8 character display to show the active calls / alarms as well as an audible alert sound. The unit has a capacity of 32 wireless devices. It uses wireless devices such as bed stations and pull string stations.


  • Capacity of 32 wireless devices
  • Reliable 900 MHz spread frequency transmission
  • Audible alert
  • LCD display

Uses the following wireless
sensors / call stations

  1. Nurse call bed station with call cord
  2. Nurse call emergency pull cord station
  3. Door alarm
  4. Smoke detector
  5. Universal device for any contact closure

Call Stations

Pull Station

Pull String Station

Bed Station

Bed Station