View a demo of the information that is available with the nurse call computer reports.
Online order page where you can view prices of individual componets. Nurse call dealers should call for information on dealer prices.
Article- How long in time should it take to respond to a call light.
Omniwatch does not require the purchase of a new computer. Any computer at the facility can be used. The only requirements are that it can run Windows programs. If the facility computers are on a network then the call light data will be available at any computer.
A message is sent to a pocket pager displaying the room number when a call light is turned on.
A dedicated computer can be connected to the Omniwatch control panel to display the active calls and send an email or SMS message to a cell phone. Can send out daily or weekly email reports of long calls and activate a relay if a call is on to long. Also with an option to key a two way radio and speak over it with the name of the room that has placed the call. Includes a Web Server to see the current active calls by using a web browser. This can be done using a cell phone or tablet with WIFI pointed at the nurse call compter.
A microcomputer control panel is installed at each nursing station and is wired to the call light annunciator lamps. A data cable is used connecting the station control panels to an office computer.